Thursday, June 14, 2007

My B'day diary

Today, I am turning 25. Many more happy returns of the day. I always wanted to write diary everyday, to record some memories, but if you know me, I need not explain.

At least let me sum it up here and take notes of myself a few memories before they evaporate into the cloudy sky. Before that, let me take a break from non-stop blogging and have my lunch (now its 3.28 pm, and if you dont know me, well, this is me.) and baskar is waiting for me.

Final Destination 1

14 Jun 2007 - I hate today, feeling as bad as someone in death bed... sorry if i sound too negative - not that bad actually, but it was about the feeling that there is no tomorrow like yesterday(Although it is true for everyday, only very few days in life will remind you of that). This is because, I have this feeling that life from tomorrow will be a downslide of a rollercoaster - if you ever travelled one, you will know it will start very slow and climb up to the max height, and from that point it will suddenly and rapidly fall to the destination, with lot of unexpected turns and slides.

Too much of hype, well it’s my 25th B'day today!!! No, it is not just another birthday. I am getting old and I hate it that I decided not to celebrate. Because I think the rest of the b'days were taking me to the peak of the life. It is like - You go up all the way, stop there and when ready to fall, you will have a scary view of what lies ahead - this b'day is like that stop.

In life, By the time your b'day reminds you of age than a day that gets you new dress, cut a cake and few gifts, you will be past your childhood and stepped into your teens. But then you will enjoy the fact that you are getting old - you are no more a "kid", you are getting matured rather than getting old, and above all you are entering adultery, meaning you can now get yourselves adulterated with all those "18 and above only" stuffs. So you are marching towards that freedom, and hardly worry about getting old. And then every year gets you closer to new destinations - first graduation, first job, first salary, first love and so on - until you reach a point where nothing fascinates you in life enough to be landmarked as your next destination - until Death with, well, few more instances to tell you how close you are - marriage where you loose your bachelorhood(Final Destination 2), day when you become a parent(FD3), day you retire to become a senior citizen(FD4). And I think here I am at that point - FD1.

And did I say why this 25th makes me feel so? Well, whenever there was some age grouping, an insurance quote for instance, they group people into three - under 18, 18-24, and 25 & above. See, thats what I mean - it doesn’t matter you have just turned 25 or 58 or 102 - you are there. Only consolation is the insurance quote will be less - but the price you pay for that is too much. From here on- every Bday gets you "older" than getting you matured.

I know that this is very too much to worry about, but gone are the days. I can hear those optimists who are cursing this pessimistic crap, saying you can always live your life and youthful at heart. But guys, you are talking about pretending to be young, which anyway I will be, but you cannot deny the facts.

On the other side, I feel very lucky to have lived 25 years in the world - I thank God, parents, family, friends and every one part of my world - to be there, wished me goodwill, and made my life as it was. I am lucky to survive 25 years, and I believe i lived them to my best healthily, wealthily and happily. I can’t ask for more.

Today, at this stop, when I turn back to look at the 25 years that passed, I feel glad and content, if not the best - for there is nothing to be stopped as best - Abiding the principle of life, I hope the best has to come yet.