Thursday, February 16, 2012

Theory of God!

This is one of my own fav posts, although it was a reply to this post dated Oct 24, 2005 by clown - my bro's friend :

A child born, grown next moment, ... and dies with in few MOMENTS - This is what exactly happens I suppose, provided you don't define how long a 'MOMENT' is ... I have read that a few ants live just one day. It is just one day in our timespace, but it is a lifetime in their's. And for some bacteria.. the size of 'MOMENT' becomes seconds. And in that 'MOMENT' they live all their life. And if you explore that second from their timespace, it will be hived into years.

Conversely there will be something or somebody in the universe whose single 'MOMENT' will be spanning millions of Years and from their time reference, our life ends in MOMENTs. Have read in legendary stories that in God's time frame, one day is equivalent to a yugh(era) in man's time. So our life - born, grow, learn, breed and die - happens in MOMENTs, in deed - but with respect to some other timespace.

Let us consider that the legend to be true - God living in bigger time frame - Then from his point of view, we humans are like some insects and bacteria which live for some MOMENTS, which makes him very powerful. So TIMEFRAME is one of the powers that make HIM the God. And when you say He is Immortal, he is just living in a BIG timeframe that we don't exist enough to measure it or we won't live enough to see His end.

Wow, Felt like a few cells in my brain which had been inactive for a long 'MOMENT' since i got into IT field, got activated. Thanks.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The System

These three are considered to be the best programmers ever and peerless .Together they were considered to be the source of everything that happened around there. The first is responsible for developing programs, the second takes care of security and protection while the third did the resource management. Though the works of the First never really were appreciated, the other two considered him to be the best - who one day came with a new idea. He created a set of programs which operated on their own, had their own intelligence called the 'Brain' and they learn to do things out of experience. As the programs are to be on their own, He created a special environment with certain boundaries and limits within which the programs operated. He set up rules and logistics of how they can interact with the Environment and for each of their action there will be a consequence based on these rules. He let the programs create their own child instances and set up a lifetime for each of them before they are deleted fronm the environment. There are also number of objects that are actually part of the environment that the instace will play with. He focussed on modelling and remodelling the blueprint with the Blueprint of these instances so that they adapted well with the Environment and also made the whole system Interesting.

Amused by this idea, the second Programmer volunteered to be the Support and Secutiry of the Environment. He took care of ensuring that things never went out of control. He also looked out for those instances which endangered the exisitence of other instances or even the whole System as such - and corrected them.

As any System requires, it needs some clean up. You can not let the instances be in the System for ever - and needs to be removed to let the new instances come in. The third Guy designed a fool proof self-clean up strategy. He came with a concept of an Advanced timer mechanishm for each instance and the timerr starts ticking as soon as the instance comes into the Environment. He created another program that worked behind the scenes to sweep all those instances out of the System when their timer expires. But the most Creative part is - not all instances live for the same ampunt of time- as the timer's speed gets impacted by Random things like - the consequnce of instance's  own action as well as that of other instances around it and some times the changes in the Environment as a whole.

So here is how it goes:

1. When an instance of the program is born, the parameters are initialised with some basic intelligence and then it is set on its own in the Environment

2. It now starts to run in the environment, does some random action against the environment or other instances around and from the the consequence it begins to learn.

3. Although the instantiation parameters is almost the same, the rate of growth depends on the way it acts and reacts with the other instances and the Environment - so each of the instances vary a lot over a period of time.
4. When an instance acts against the law they die prematurely.

5. The Environment also had some virus programs that can infect the instances, if the instance is not able to defend.

If the name of the programmer is "Brahma", what will these instances be called as?

Sunday, February 05, 2012

UnTolerate Me

Long back in school , somewhere during a drowzy post lunch class I was taught about this Degree of Tolerance(DOT). I was told - The fishes in the sea had different levels of DOT for salinity(salt). Some of them were able to sustain high salinity level, and could be seen around many parts of the ocean. Some of them lacked this DOT or in other words they are so sensitive to salt level that they can not survive in most parts of the sea. Increase the salinity level a bit, and they die. Obviously i was vouching for those species with more DOT - a quality attributed to some high degree of evolution - or simply highly evolved species with ability to live in any condition.

Years passed and today I felt I belong to one of the speices with the highest DOT. It gave me the ability to live in a society that is very salty - highly polluted environments, garbage dump all around, streets flooded with sewage, bumpy roads, noisy traffic, indisciplined people - and instead of resisting any of these, I slowly developed DOT to adapt myself to such things. The DOT made me so numb to anything happening around. I went too far that even when someone stole 17k crores - I could do nothing.

Remember the domestic Sparrows - the birds which were very common once but are hardly visible around any more - thanks to development of science like mobile phones and concrete ceilings. They had the courage to perish when their environments are salinated. I wish I had that zero DOT where I Resist or Die rather than developing tolerance to polluted society.

A stern warning that came two thousand years ago and was long forgotten:

மயிர்நீப்பின் வாழாக் கவரிமா அன்னார்
உயிர்நீப்பர் மானம் வரின்

Can I reverse my DOT?