Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Breakup Letter...

My Dear #23,

It is time to say good bye to u. I would really love to continue with you, but life has to move up and hope you understand. You gave me a lot of "moments of my life" well intervalled by painful moments too, which i accept as gladly as the other, as with you, at least I slept peacefully every night. I had a lots of first-time-in-my-life's and had different shades of life in this short peroid with you. I would like to thank for the new people you introduced to me some of whom i guess will disappear soon and some i wish to have them for my life.

Although the others like you whom i lived with before has done remarkable change in me, I might have been too inexperienced to notice, but in all, I would say, you added a new dimension to my life. Hope #24 picks the best out of you and continue.

When it is time to embrace, welcome and live with 24, not knowing what she has got up her sleeve, I would like to turn back, look at you and say "Thanks you so much for being with me..."


Anonymous said...

How do you that 24 is a she ? It could be a it or a he. Or do you have any compelling reasons for making 23 a she ?

Anonymous said...

It is too Good

Anonymous said...

Oops .. I didnt read the title. If it is a break-up letter, then it has to be a she. Didnt mean to suggest anything. That was really an innocent remark. :-)

Anonymous said...

But one of the worst break-up letters. Who would take another woman's name in a break-up letter?
You should be little more sensitive to Miss #23's feelings. After all you spent one wonderful year with her. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey. i left the previous mesage. Your blog for some reason did not allow me to put my name on that message. :-)

Anonymous said...

Fine Blog. Was thinking of flirting with you, but .... Comments are dud.

Anonymous said...

Hi Remo,

What is this #23,#24?

Anyway i understood one door is closed means
more doors will open!

Anonymous said...

vetti mavane...yaarunu guess pannu da..